Be A Hero In A Child's Life
Whether you have a little or a lot matters not –every gift counts and can literally save a life. Donate Todayn 2013 an orphanage in Haiti was shut down by local authorities due to the filth and abuse these children experienced while living there. There was no replacement home for these eight young children, meaning, these young souls would be left to fend for themselves. This was the first of many callings in Fredrick’s life and what inspired him to open a children’s home with those eight children now called The House of Hope. Here the children are provided shelter, nourishment, education, and healthcare. We’ve grown from 8 to 35 kid, ages 2 months to 15 years since 2013. We provide a safe, clean, comfortable, and healthy environment for physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development.
Children who go to primary public schools are often sent to school on empty stomachs. Many children here go without food for up to three days. They often lack the energy to learn because without nourishment, sleep befalls many of them during school hours. In late 2012, we started providing nutritious meals twice a week for 30 of these children.
Today, Hopestart International feeds over 1,000 primary school children five days a week in 13 different locations enabling them to stay awake and alert in class, and thus able to acquire the basic education essentials for breaking the cycles of poverty, hunger and despair that has plagued Haitian families for generations.
In 2012, we started the orphanage we call The Hopestart Children’s Home to respond to a need for a safe, loving home for children. However, we understand that a family is a better setting for healthy child development than an institution. Over time we have been able to locate biological relatives of these children. Doors opened for us in 2020 to start a program of “Family Reunification” to reunify relatives of these children or identify foster families (where the former do not exist) that are willing and able to take these children into their existing homes/families, and raise them lovingly as their own. We have hired a psychologist and a social worker to help prepare both the children and the receiving families for this important transition.
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